Written by: Guest Author, Nikki Young
The majority of people that start down the enticing road of Internet marketing give up soon after their first promotion. An extraordinary amount of effort for little profit sees many retire from the game almost immediately. Both affiliate marketing and online product marketing may first appear as easy ways to make money, but people soon realize that the web is not an easily tapped goldmine. Internet marketing requires commitment and hard work and can quickly become overwhelming.
The marketing processes involved span way beyond creating a web page or writing an eBook. As a vendor there are a broad range of marketing methods that can be followed, with few of them ever resulting in success. And as an affiliate, even the seemingly basic sifting through of products you might potentially choose to promote, presents a challenging task. From building a list of potential customers that trust your word, to launching a new product to market, being diligent enough to understand the multiple disciplines of online marketing is the downfall of many. However, for those with the staying power, Internet marketing is a great way to establish a lucrative online business.
For those of you just getting started with Internet marketing you will no doubt hear the following phrase many more times, and if you’ve been Internet marketing for some time you are about to hear it again: testing is critical! Internet marketers say this all the time because there are so many different marketing mediums available to be utilized in the marketing process, that it can be quite tempting to flitter back and forth trying out each one in part. Once a person doesn’t experience instant success with one, they tend to quickly switch to a new strategy, and then to another, and so on. The problem with doing this is that it means not fully realizing the potential of each marketing method. By constantly switching between strategies you aren’t giving one particular strategy a chance to flourish. Therefore it is vitally important that you test, test, and test some more with each process, strategy and theory, so you can rule out what doesn’t work and rule in what does.
By doing this you will be able to select the most valuable parts of each strategy and start to build a bulletproof strategy of your own. It is important to recognize early on is that there is no “one size fits all” in Internet marketing, and that the same strategies don’t work for every niche, or even necessarily in the same niche. What works for you might not work for someone else, and vice versa. So decipher what works for you through a continual process of trial and error. Develop a system of your own. It will take some time but will be well worth it in the end. And who knows, one day you might be able to sell your system online as a top-selling product!
Trying multiple marketing methods and only putting limited input into each will only bring frustration. Instead, focus all your energy on one or two marketing approaches. Master them and make sure you have exhausted their capabilities before moving on or adding a new approach to your armory. Don’t keep dipping your fingers in and out of a bucketful of ideas hoping that one will suddenly come to fruition.
Think long-term not short-term. Invest wisely in the short term in order to make money in the long term. And by this I mean investing in the help of some educational programs/books and the advice and help of mentor(s) to help you learn faster and get to your destination of success quicker. If you can master one or two approaches, you will be well on your way toward a successful business. If you learn only parts of a number of different strategies you will remain a “jack of all trades but master of none.”
Internet marketing can take its toll on you psychologically, especially when you have tried out a variety of marketing methods, invested financially and put in a lot of time and effort for little or no reward. But this psychological battle presents a critical stage in your development and success. This is the very point at which many who made it past the first promotion and into further learning stages give up. A knack for perseverance is so very important in Internet marketing and indeed in starting any business. Don’t give up at the third hurdle. Stick by your guns and persevere with strategies that feel comfortable and complement your strengths and ability.
Four Solid Bits of Advice to Help You Succeed in Internet MarketingAdvice #1: Find a Mentor
Whether in business, self-development or Internet marketing, growth can be rapidly moved forward by finding a mentor. Mentoring helps you develop at a faster rate, helping you learn faster, develop skills more adeptly and avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. A mentor, like a good teacher, will help you understand exactly what you need to learn, how to learn it and the best time for you to execute the knowledge.
I seek mentors in my life because I know it’s the fastest way to learn. Not only has mentoring helped me to get to where I am today in Internet marketing, but it also continues to be very important to me in other areas of my life. By having a mentor for each important aspect of my self-development, I learn faster and succeed faster. Since starting out on my own journey as an Internet marketer I myself have become a mentor to others. It has truly been a pleasure watching those I have helped grow from online newbie to successful online entrepreneur.
Advice #2: Don’t Work on too Many Projects at Once by Yourself
A huge mistake beginners make is thinking they need to do everything alone. Focus your energy on the most vital areas of your business; the areas that encourage growth and will help you reach your goals faster. If you work on too many projects at once you will find your progress is slow and hindered by many barriers. You can’t be an expert in every discipline, so outsource work where you can. Set aside a budget for delegating work to third parties that prevent you from paying attention to more important areas of your business. Taking on more and more work yourself will see you bogged down unnecessarily in tasks that will significantly slow your progress. Outsourcing will also allow you to have more valuable time away from your computer.
Advice #3: Utilize Free Resources
When a person first decides to get involved with Internet marketing, he or she will be exposed to numerous different online money making products. These products appear as very attractive prospects, and it isn’t uncommon for people to get excited and buy into multiple products in a short space of time. The truth is, almost every marketing method you will read about is potentially a profitable one, but mastering one takes considerable time. Don’t splash out on multiple expensive products. Instead, choose one or two referred to you by your mentor(s). Learn them and utilize them to their full potential before moving onto another area.
In addition to this, make use of as much free information as you can. There is a huge amount of great reference material online that can be found in books, eBooks, video and on blogs. It is often difficult to sift through conflicting information and ideas online, but again, ask your mentor and trusted associates for help in directing you toward informative blogs, forums and other reliable free resources.
Advice #4 Maintain Persistence
You never know when the breakthrough will come, it could be next week, it might even be tomorrow, or it could take six more months. If things are getting on top of you then take a step back from your business and re-think your strategy. Ask yourself, “Am I focusing my energy, time and investment on areas conducive to leading me to my goal?” “Are there things I am avoiding, ignoring or only doing half heartedly that could better position me for success?”
Your success in business is dependent on your mental attitude, your strategy and your devotion to learning and developing yourself on a daily basis. Commit to your goal of becoming a successful Internet marketer and be persistent in your endeavours. Take these words of advice into consideration and go for it. I hope that they help you to become successful in your online venture.
About the Author
Nikki Young has been active in Internet Marketing for 4 years. During this time she has built up a successful online business, which includes the selling of her cookbook series within ClickBank. www.paleocookbook.com.
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I don’t waste too much time read too many articles about IM anymore as there are so many people out there doing it these days and they never really get to any point.
However, something told me to read your and it really seemed to be refreshing by simply being straight away…
I just want to say thank you for this little boost…
Paul Gardner says: June 29, 2011 at 11:44 amHi Nikki,
Thanks for sharing some great content on internet marketing. No fluff here. All good solid advice for all marketers on four important elements for success in internet marketing.
To Your Success and Thanks For Sharing
Don Bengert says: June 29, 2011 at 12:20 pmTotally agree…Having and taking advice from mentor(s)can really get you thinking. I’ve been at this IM for a couple of years and realized that being a publisher of my field would suite me best. In the near future, the ebook series I’m working on will be finished and ready for release. So, stay tuned world…
Vince Staples says: June 29, 2011 at 12:36 pmA number of people have asked if there is anyone who can give good information to newbies.
I have linked up with Adam Short who offers on-line training to newbies like me and so far, I have been very impressed. Check out Niche Profit Classroom and you can join for $1 as a trial for 2 weeks and then your membership will cost $67 per month. This may sound like a lot, but this is the first place where I have been able to listen to audios in the ‘classroom’ and actually learn how to set up a website and how to start with Niche Marketing. I hope I am right in recommending Adam short, but I have been studing with NPC for about 3 weeks and am about to get my website launched soon. So check out NPC and see what you think and for just $1 to take a look, there is no great risk and you can bail out within 2 weeks if you are not satisfied. I have been given some really good information and I am also very grateful for the advice given here by Nikki Young. Thank you Nikki!
I must agree with the previous comments. I am about a raw as one can get in IM and have very quickly reached that state of “overwhelm” and information overload! In my ignorance I too started buying one promising system after another, and I really could not afford to do so. Well, I decided to listen to my intuition (churning gut!) and backed off. I am trying to find the mentor, system, etc. that is the most comprehensive, accommodating to newbies, allows me to grow as my knowledge base and experience does and just “feels right.” I was also feeling very impatient with getting on with my “reinvention” of myself as an internet marketer. Yesterday, driving about running errands I hit every light, every turn into a parking lot was filled with cars, every line i got into was long, and at the grocery store I bought 12 little pieces of chocolate and the cashier rang them up individually! This was that time of the day when there is very little traffic and no one is shopping…so, lesson learned! Patience is critical, Rome was not built in a day! (IM feels like Rome to me!) This article is full of wisdom. Thank you!
Rick says: June 29, 2011 at 2:06 pmPersistence is vital in finding the path with IM, but it is just as important to be very critical of your efforts to understand why your path may be bumpy. Finding a good mentor is difficult, so you must realize the flaws in your approach and continue to learn. Always refer to the basics and then see if you are following them. It’s a slow learning curve that requires patience to overcome the pitfalls. Get in the trenches and figure out your approach.
Jacquie Cattanach says: June 29, 2011 at 3:07 pmThank you for the 4 reminders and great advise. I’ve been in the IM world for 7 years now and the hardest part is finding a mentor and sticking with them. There are so many self-proclaimed gurus that want to sell their products, that I used to spend all my time reading their newsletters and, as a result, being very non-productive. There are alot of good long-term mentors out there, a couple that come to mind are Dr. Andy Williams & Michael Campbell.
Doug says: June 29, 2011 at 3:23 pmThank you very much for the wonderful information Nikki. I agree with many of the others that your post should be required reading for those of us just getting started with IM.
As a newbie to IM I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding the various aspects of IM. If there is an obvious language barrier then the following does not apply. However, some very important factors I noticed regarding the quality of potential information offered by many self-proclaimed “experts” are simple cues such as:
1. Did the author spell simple words correctly?
2. Did the author at least take the time to spell-check the document?
3. Did the author demonstrate knowledge of basic grammatical skills?
These factors alone should serve as huge red flags regarding the quality of his or her information especially if there is a fee associated with obtaining it. If the author didn’t at least take the time to spell-check his or her information, then how likely did the author take the time to verify the accuracy of the information? Leaving out certain words such as “NOT” completely changes the meaning of the subject at hand!
skpeh says: June 29, 2011 at 3:39 pmIt was a great post. Newbies tend to lose direction as flooods of different offers promising get quick rich fast. One has to just focus on the direction and only pay attention to those tips/tricks which may help you along. Ignore others for the time being.
Persistency is the key. a step at a time to lead you to your goal.
Kevin says: June 29, 2011 at 4:38 pmI click the link in email and it brings me here.
Thanks, Molly, You gave us a lot of useful info about IM.
Ridley Harrison says: June 29, 2011 at 6:39 pmNikki, thanks much for your article. Every thing you say is so true. I am on the internet for over 18 months now, trying at so many things, which only end in failure and frustration over and over.Even my family believe i am wasting my time, but my WHY is huge and it keeps me going.
I just got started at affiliate marketing. I think i want to concentrate my efforts here and see what i can make of it. Your advise overall has been very helpful and encouraging to me.
Thanks again,
Very good post. All of the things you mentioned I did experience when I first started out online as an affiliate. I did get overwhelmed, I did move to something else, I learned that there is much work involved in internet marketing. My main target now is to stick with one project until I move to the next. Being persistent and consistent are both necessary keys.
Michael says: June 29, 2011 at 8:44 pmI have tried many different ways to make money on the internet and have been disappointed every time. It suddenly occurred to me that I needed to get a mentor and not quit when things got tough. Don’t give up. Get a mentor and learn how to really make money on the internet. It ain’t easy but it can be done. I truly believe that quitters never win. Get a mentor and don’t give up when the going gets tough. Refuse to give up! Then, you will learn to be a winner. There ain’t No Free Lunch!
Partha Bhattacharya says: June 29, 2011 at 9:50 pmGreat tips Nikki! Thanks for the inspiring article.
Let me add a few tips from my experience as an Internet marketer.
Knowing what you’re really good at is very important. For example, I know of a skilled salesman in a jewelry store who didn’t know his ability to correctly forecast demands of jewelry until one day he had to argue with his employer to keep more stocks of a certain type because it would sell more in the oncoming season. He was proved right, but he left the job to become a high-paying sales consultant.
The second step is whether what you know has sufficient demand, and if yes, how others are fulfilling that demand. If the popular demand is a little different like how to select a good second-hand car as against how to maintain a second-hand car, then you have to accordingly make changes.
The third step is to create the product that can be marketed easily. It may be an ebook, a series of podcasts, a series of videos, or all of them. 2 points are important here: a) buyers must clearly know how they benefit from your product, and b) there has to be ‘value’ in your product. In the Paleo Diet Cookbooks, Nikki has taken care of both these points. I especially like the Sneak Peek section in her website where I can almost see the giant but invisible 5 letters, VALUE.
The fourth step is of course the all-important marketing on the Internet. No amount of labor will bring results unless the fourth step is done rightly. On the other hand, if the previous 3 steps are not done well, then even the fourth step cannot bring sustained success.
I’m currently making an elaborate course on what I call, Teach To Get Rich. It will come at teachrich.com, hopefully in another 3 months’ time.
I need all your best wishes in my effort, and Nikki, thanks again for this nice illuminating post!
ISRI says: June 30, 2011 at 1:08 amI appreciate that you “need staying power”;many times I feel run down and feel like quitting
but I look at the possibilities then I say till do us apart
Great Tips for anyone looking for success in life or internet marketing. I wish I too was among the persons bing mentored by Nikki
Lord Takyi says: June 30, 2011 at 6:46 amThank you for your advice. please I am a new affiliate and I some a mentor to guide me though this business please help me to get one. Thank you, you have giving me hope that I can also make it.
Michael says: June 30, 2011 at 12:23 pmAll you said are truly great…It interesting to me…I will try these…Keep up the good job….I look forward to applying these techniques….
Tesla Falcon says: June 30, 2011 at 2:02 pmMy issue has been an inability to determine specific actions for the “strategies” that are promoted, highlighted, & discussed. It almost seems that the ‘gurus’ wanna talk “strategies” since they themselves don’t know how to implement them. If you can sell enough people on buying into slick sales copy w/o any substantive information, then your “strategy” worked … Right?!
And I’m currently working 120+ hrs/week in the oilfield which puts me out of Internet (& even cell phone) contact for days at a time. I currently avg 1-3 hrs / week online, & that’s usually w my iPhone, not my desktop, laptop, or even netbook computers.
Right now?
iPhone after having been out in the field since early Tuesday morning.
Anyone got a business plan for that?
Andrew says: June 30, 2011 at 3:02 pmThanks for the post. I can use the encouragement right now. I’ve been putting a lot of energy in, but I haven’t found the magic yet. Thanks for the encouragement to keep going.
Lee says: July 1, 2011 at 7:55 amGreat that you posted this!
To be honest never considered a mentor because figured that real ones did not exist. As some have mentioned most just sell products and some of those are total crap, they have no real interest in helping just money. As with some I thought this would be easy, got sucked in on a program and of course it is a lot more work. Have checked out IM forums and some peolpe are helpful but most of those seem to starting out same as I so no real mentoring can happen and the others that have done it forever just make smart comments to the newbies. This are some of the reasons for not even considering a mentor.
It was mentioned that it can be overwhelming, that seems to be an understatement. I have been in sales and marketing since the 80's and it was mostly talking either to a client or a secratery that wrote it up, so over time that will surely be one of my outsource areas. Want to do it for now though, to learn it better and since I just got cleaned out in a divorce really have to anyway. Have spent countless hours in research and being a perfectionist type the more into it the more overwhelming it becomes.
This holiday weekend I am putting up something, right, wrong, or whatever cannot stand to have nothing happening.
Say all of that to say that it is nice to see real experienced people helping. Most it seems are wanting to hide their “secrets”.
Thanks again!
Willian says: July 1, 2011 at 8:04 amExcelentes todas las recomendaciones, muchas gracias por compartir su conocimiento trataré de llevarlo a la practica.
jeff says: July 1, 2011 at 7:45 pmVery informative article. Yes I to went through the bouncing around all different programs,investing and then making nothing:) When it comes to anything online it seems like “sticking to it” and not being all over the place works. You know why? There are so many people that do not. Your information is right on!
Shihabul Khan says: July 2, 2011 at 8:29 amThanks for sharing these insights. This has been an inspiration for me as a newbie in this venture without having any success so far. Now I have got some ideas about this road ahead. And you worked for me as a “virtual mentor”, shedding some bright lights and providing me with some “rules of the game”.And I am also learning,fixing and honing my skills so that I can become successful. The major insight that I have got is the “staying power” that is required. At first, when I started, the education website that I subscribed to, gave me the false impression that it is as peaut as a,b,c..(marketing trick, I understand), but in reality, it is not. It is like any other venture, which requires hard work, trial and error and perseverance. Thanks again.
Dan B says: July 2, 2011 at 8:32 pmI think #4 is the most important. It’s hard to get going and when you look at sites that are getting more than 1 million visitors a month, it can be intimidating, however, an efficient business owner does not need a million visitors a month to be successful (it would be nice though). The biggest thing is getting started. The second is persevering.
Sean says: July 6, 2011 at 11:58 amYour advice: “Advice #2: Don’t Work on too Many Projects at Once by Yourself” is great but, I would go a step further and say another mistake beginners make is trying too many website all at once by themselves without learning how to get the first one profitable.
Tony says: July 7, 2011 at 11:09 pmNikki,
Well informed with many points that I can vouch for.I have been working my Online
Marketing Business for a few years now,and with Dream Dedication Drive, with these
3 Ds one can’t go wrong. As you say one has to believe in oneself to succeed,where
others who give up so easily fall by the wayside.My main site has expanded with a
large worldwide coverage now with the stats going through the roof.Residual/Passive
Income is starting to flow in,and with continual Dedication my Dream Job will be
I would like to thank everyone for posting such positive feedback in regards to the article. It’s really been a great pleasure to hear how much this article has helped so many of you with your Internet marketing business, whether it be from hearing something again which will help you to implement it, or learning something new that will have a positive impact on your business and how you move forward with your Internet marketing journey.
There has been quite a few questions from people wondering how to get a mentor and I think it’s great that so many people are interested in looking at having a mentor to help them to fast-track in their business. Finding a mentor can be difficult, but as I mentioned in a previous response to the comments to this article, if you can look at pinpointing which area of your business you want to focus on it becomes a lot easier to find a mentor. For instance, let’s say you would like a mentor to learn how to become profitable on Facebook, you can then look on Internet marketing forums or websites/blogs to find someone who is actively writing responses in regards to the topic and has responses that are extremely informative, if you feel you can learn from this person simply contact them by a private message or in response to a thread on a forum, or an e-mail if possible – you never know your luck. One of the best mentors I have at the moment for a certain area of my business, I came across through their personal blog and then through communication to the blog owner via the forum on the website.
Maurice Bernier made a good comment as well here in response to my article, mentoring doesn’t necessarily need to be one-on-one communication, although I do find this will be the most beneficial type of mentoring when it comes directly to internet marketing, because the mentoring will be specifically focusing on areas of your business – but it is not the only type of mentoring that can be extremely beneficial. If you find someone who you look up to in regards to their knowledge and somebody who you feel you can learn from, and they have an active blog, or they have information products, or right now they are actively doing tasks that are traits you would like to possess, investing your time in reading their content and learning from them by following their actions, they can become a form of mentor for you. For instance, there are many people in business who I look up too, but I have never received one-on-one mentoring from them. It hasn’t meant however, that I haven’t been able to learn from them, via books and educational products, to following the actions they are taking to create and expand their business/company. So you too can find a ‘mentor’ that is teaching what you specifically want to know, and read everything that they have put out in order to learn what they have learnt, it may be a slower process but this is another way to look at mentoring if you feel it is something that could work well for you.
Atif – Outsourcing can be a tedious tasks sometimes, and I agree with your comments that you should always ask for as much information as you can in regards to the person you’re looking to hire. Unfortunately, some people do use fake portfolios and will provide incorrect information on their resume, so the more you can find out about an individual or a company before you work with them in outsourcing, the less stressful it will be. If you feel the person cannot complete a project earlier on, while giving them enough chances you feel are reasonable, it may be best to cut your losses and try to find somebody else. When you do have someone who can complete the tasks successfully, try and keep them on your lists of contacts so that whenever you need additional work you don’t need to go through the process of trying a hire someone new again.
Ricky – Thank you for your comment, I’m really glad that you enjoyed reading the article.
Paul Gardner – You’re welcome, thank you for such positive feedback.
Don Bengert – Congratulations, finding your strength and your passion is one of the biggest keys (if not the biggest key) to owning a profitable business. I wish you all the best with the release of your e-book series.
Pamela Brannon – It may be time to focus on what you are looking to achieve in your business, if you feel you are in a state of overwhelm you need to make sure you’re not focusing on too much at any one time (this is in regards to inside and outside of your business), when you feel like you are not in control it is time to take a step back!
Doug – I appreciate the kind words, and you have provided some good tips that people should take on board, thank you for sharing.
Ridley Harrison – You’re more than welcome, and thank you for the comment. Internet marketing is definitely a fantastic business that can be extremely profitable, stick with it and as long as your ‘why’ stays with you, you will make it happen.
Martha – The points which I mentioned in the article come back to areas of Internet marketing that almost everyone will come across at some point. I hope though that it does help people in fast tracking their success with Internet marketing by avoiding the things that slow them down. I’m glad that you have now decided to focus on one project and not become overwhelmed with the amount of information that can be obtained on the Internet in how to become profitable with affiliate marketing.
Partha Bhattacharya – Thank you for sharing the tips, I hope everyone takes the time to read them. All the best with your course that you’ll be selling online, by implementing the tips that you mentioned above I’m sure that it will be profitable for you.
Tesla Falcon – Not having Internet access is definitely not the most perfect situation for getting started in Internet marketing, but it’s definitely not something that should completely eliminate you from getting started online. You may like to consider outsourcing the work that you would like to have done in the time that you don’t have Internet access, write up a detailed list of actions that you need to take in order to start the Internet marketing business that you are looking at building. For instance, if you need a website built, write down everything that you need on the website etc, and in the time that you have Internet access find someone who can build a website for you. If you would like to have your website rank in the search engines for particular keywords, you can outsource an SEO expert to not only find you the best keywords for your campaign in what you are selling, but you can also hire an SEO expert to do all of the on-site SEO and backlinking needed. Additionally, if you have a friend or family member who does have more time to access the Internet, possibly you can start an online business with them and they can organise a lot of the outsourcing tasks and assist with areas of the business that are slowing you down or holding you back due to not having a lot of Internet access yourself. I hope that helps with giving you an idea of how you can get started with Internet marketing, even with limited Internet access.
Andrew – I’m glad this article gave you some encouragement to keep going with your Internet marketing journey. If you’re putting a lot of energy in but it’s not coming back profitability the way that you would like, make sure that you really look at the strategy that you’re implementing for your business, as it’s one thing to work hard (and a lot of hours) on things that are not going to grow your business, and another to have a strategic plan in how you’re going to grow your business and what needs to be done, while working the same or less hours. Make sure you’re working on the tasks needed to grow your business, not on tasks that ultimately are not.
Lee – Even if you try to avoid it, you’re likely always going to come across a product or piece of advice that doesn’t help you to grow your business. Try not to get discouraged by it though because there is so much valuable information out there that if you don’t want to get stung by bad products and bad advice, you will ultimately never find good products and good advice. Make sure that whatever you implement you are confident in everything that you put together, potentially putting up a website without any idea of if it will be profitable or not and potentially not following up on improving any of the aspects of the website can just lead to repeated upsets in things not working out.
jeff – Thanks Jeff, I appreciate the positive feedback to the article.
Shihabul Khan – Thank you for the comment, it’s great to hear that you are learning from everything that you have done so far in your Internet marketing journey, even if it hasn’t always been easy. I wish you all the best in moving forward.
Dan B – Great advice. It’s important not to get put off by other people that have already formed a profitable business online. In regards to website traffic, 1 million viewers a month doesn’t necessarily mean that the conversions are great on a product, quality traffic is more important which may mean overall there are less viewers to a website.
Sean – I agree with you on this point. It can be an expensive journey if someone invests a lot of money into domains and hosting and website creation etc, not to mention the time needed to research for each of the above when there is no confirmation that what is being implemented is working. In saying that, as long as someone is confident in why they are investing in building a lot of websites at any one time – and it’s part of their business model – it can be extremely profitable.
Tony – Thank you for your comments, it’s great to hear things are going well for your business!
Alem Salleh says: July 20, 2011 at 6:08 amThanks Nikki for your advice. And special thanks to Clickbank Newsletter who brought me here.
Don Eleazar O. Balboa, Jr. says: July 21, 2011 at 7:00 amCould very well relate to this. we all for sure experienced the 2nd thought of pursuing or not. thanks for keeping us move forward.
Silas Washington says: August 4, 2011 at 11:38 pmThanks for the advice I am new here so thanks.
william rogers says: August 5, 2011 at 7:47 pmThanks Nikki
Such great advice. I have to agree on every point. And what a great article. I hope you don’t mind me taking some of your finer points and using them in some of my own articles. After all imitation IS the greatest form of flattery.
I also went into internet marketing with my eyes wide shut, so to speak, look out world here I come!! I then became quickly overwhelmed and humbled by the meriod of information and schemes, like you said I switched from one get rich quick scheme to another, with disastrous results.
Fortunately for me I found a company Where I found not only one mentor but multiple mentors in every field of marketing you can imagine. They are teaching me from start to finish how to achieve my goals. What to do and what not to do. How to use my strengths, in the areas I enjoy most in internet marketing. I not only found one but a multitude of mentors on any nich I wanted to pursue. Most importantly they taught me how to make money quickly, Hey, maybe not get rich QUICK, but at least how to start making a modest income WHILE I am learning. And I was so pleasantly surprised at the low, low, cost for all of this priceless information.
One of the many things I am learning is the importance of having your own blog, a base of operation for your business, if you will. Serious marketers will either have their own hosted blog or their own hosted website, something that no one can take away from them, this is your own window to the world. If you click on my name above you can visit my blog, however I must warn you it’s just bare bones right now as I am just getting it up and functioning, and yes, they are teaching me how to do this too. Not much to be proud of yet, but I’m proud just the same.
To your success
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Great article
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